Is a 3D Virtual Tour a Security Risk?

At Apollo3D, as creators of 3D Virtual Tours, we often encounter questions regarding security.

It’s not uncommon for clients to inquire, ‘Will it show where everything is stored in the house?’ and ‘Will it give a burglar the exact layout of my venue?’. 
These concerns are understandable, especially considering the novelty of 3D technology and the deeply immersive experience of a high-quality virtual tour. However, there are precautionary measures that can be taken both before the 3D capture and during post-capture editing to address and alleviate such worries.
Our Operations Team at Apollo3D has compiled a list outlining the steps we take to minimize these concerns.

1 – Private Areas

Apollo3D guarantees that only public areas or those requiring accessibility are showcased in the tours. Private spaces or rooms deemed unnecessary for viewing are intentionally excluded. Any areas clients wish to keep private will either be omitted from scans or removed from public tours altogether. We prioritize maintaining privacy, regardless of the size or significance of the space.

2 – Security Equipment

We remove scan points that have any detail showing items such as alarm panels, key entry pads, or security monitors.  Alternatively, prior to scanning, we will remove or cover those items with other decoration such as pictures or posters if required. All security equipment on-site will be discreetly concealed for your safety. Prior to scanning, clients can inform us of any specific equipment they wish to address. However, even without notifying, Apollo3D’s experienced scanners are adept at identifying and managing security features as part of their standard process. Whether it involves removing a security panel or any other type of equipment, rest assured that Apollo3D will take care of it. 

3 – Layout & Navigation 

On sites such as RightMove, with access to floorplans and photographs, it’s possible to manually create a building layout. The 3D technology is an enabler of that walkthrough (perfect for selling a house), however, if it’s important not to show a full layout, we can split up a 3D tour into functional smaller sections which removes the ability to navigate around a whole building or location. For example, have a 3D scan just to show certain bedrooms with another scan for the restaurant and bar. Both fully viewable independently online but in the real world, they could be literally miles apart.  

4 – Location Information

Apollo3D can also create exclusive 3D tours that are only provided to selected customers of Apollo3D’s clients. These could be homes for sale where potential buyers have already registered their interest with an estate agent for particular types of houses. Similarly, hotel owners can choose to share the 3D tour exclusively with their buyers or trusted clients. Furthermore, Apollo3D has the capability to remove all identifying information regarding the location from the 3D tour, ensuring that only pre-registered individuals receive the full details.

5 – Valuable Items / Incomplete Areas

Apollo3D possess the capability to exclude certain areas from a 3D tour that clients prefer not to display. This could be due to various reasons such as awaiting decoration updates or containing high-value or desirable items. The priority is to showcase only what the client wishes to reveal. In cases where areas are undergoing updates or renovations, Apollo3D offer the flexibility to revisit and capture them for inclusion in the 3D tour at a later stage.

6 – The Element of Surprise

We can purposely avoid including areas in a 3D tour that is only to be seen by a physical visitor coming to the property.  It is common to give just enough of an experience online to increase the desire to visit.

7 – Photographs on Display

Blurred faces from a family photograph

Common in homes for sale, we remove freestanding photographs that are not to be included in a 3D tour. For pictures that cannot be removed or covered, we use software to ‘blur’ faces within a 3D tour to avoid recognition. 

8 – Displayed Information

We remove or cover, prior to scanning any information on display that could be deemed sensitive, such as sheets with contact information, family information, Wi-fi passwords or information that only a physical guest should see. Even a shopping list on a fridge will be removed if required.